The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 25

Chapter 25
The evening had settled into a soothing rhythm, the city’s distant hum fading as I
prepared for bed, hoping to steal a few precious hours of rest before another
demanding day at the firm..
Just as I was about to switch off my laptop, an email notification blinked on my —
screen. It was from Linda, and I couldn't help but feel a sinking sensation in the
pit of my stomach. The subject line was concise and to the point: “Urgent
Research Required.”
I opened the email and my heart sank as I read the contents. Linda was
requesting a substantial amount of research to be done before our next meeting,
which seemed almost impossible given the limited time. I couldn't bring myself to
say no, however, as I sensed she would use that against me.
As I delved into the research, the hours passed like a whirlwind. The minutes
ticked away relentlessly, and before I knew it, the clock read 4:00 a.m. I hadn't
even touched the surface of the work Linda had requested. My eyes ached, my
vision blurred, and the weight of exhaustion bore down on my shoulders.
The next day, as I stumbled into the office, bleary—eyed and drained, I felt a
sense of dread. I was going to have to face Linda and explain why I hadn't been
able to finish the research.
With a long sigh, I approached Linda's office and knocked gently on the open
door. She looked up from her desk, her eyes cold and calculating.
“Evie, have you completed the research I asked for?” she inquired as I walked in.
I hesitated, my anger and frustration threatening to boil over. “Linda, I tried, but
there was a lot I had to get through, and I ended up working through the night.
I'm exhausted, and I couldn't finish it.”
Linda's response was a dismissive wave of her hand. “Evie, we have a client to
represent, and his case is of the utmost importance. I expect this research to be
completed by the end of the day.”
1 bit my lip, forcing down the less than professional words ready to slip out. I
forced a tight-lipped smile and nodded. “I'll get on that, Ms. Turner.”
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Chapter 25
Begrudgingly, I returned to my desk and plopped down in my chair. After logging
into my computer, I tried to pick up where I had left off. My mind felt like a haze,
and the words on the screen swam before my eyes. The research felt like a
never- ending maze, with no clear path to a solution.
After several hours, I found myself surrounded by stacks of legal documents
while my overheated laptop struggled to load. I needed to step away, if only for a
I pushed my chair back and stood up, the muscles in my back protesting the long
hours spent hunched over my desk. As I made my way towards the breakroom
for some coffee, the world seemed to sway around me, my vision blurring and my
head spinning.
Just as I reached the break room, my legs wobbled beneath me, and the room

began to spin. I clutched onto the edge of the counter, trying to steady myself,
but it was a losing battle. The world grew darker, and I felt myself teetering on the
edge of consciousness.
Before I could collapse, a pair of strong arms reached out to catch me. I was
vaguely aware of voices, of concerned murmurs, and the feeling of being
supported. My vision cleared enough for me to see the faces of my coworkers,
their expressions filled with worry.
One of the women in the group, Harriet, stepped forward, her voice slightly
muffled. “Evie, are you okay? You look pale.”
I tried to protest, to insist that I was fine and that I needed to get back to work,
but my words came out as a garbled mumble.
Harriet hauled me up and slung an arm around my shoulder. “You need to rest,
Evie. Come on. I'll take you home.”
I wanted to argue, to resist, but my body was no longer under my control. The
world faded to black, and I felt myself being gently guided towards the exit. The
last thing I heard before slipping into unconsciousness was Harriet's voice,
insisting that she would take me home.
The firm was buzzing with the usual energy when Timothy arrived that evening.
Linda had called for yet another meeting, and he felt slightly less enthusiastic
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13:03 Wed, 20 Mar S
Chapter 25
which each.
He had noticed Evie’s absence from the recent meetings, which was unusual. It
was the third time in a row that she hadn't been present. Evie had been an
essential part of him pushing through this case, and her insights and dedication
were invaluable.
Timothy approached the conference room and knocked gently on the open door.
Linda looked up from her documents, a welcoming smile on her face.
“Timothy, welcome,” she said sweetly.
“Hi,” Timothy said flatly, walking in and took a seat at the table. “Where's Evie?”
Linda leaned back in her chair. “Oh, Evie couldn't make it to the meetings. She's
been swamped with other responsibilities.”
The response didn’t sit well with Timothy. Evie had promised that she would be
the face he'd see for most of the case, but it seemed like Linda was taking over.
“Okay,” he said, his gaze flickering toward the door. He felt a feather—like touch
over his fingers and I turned his head to see Linda's hand hovering over his, a
smile playing on her lips.
“Don't worry about her,” she said, her voice low and suggestive. Timothy
recognized that tone all too well, and he could barely stomach it. “She’ll be fine.”
He pulled his hand away and cleared his throat. “Right. Let's get started, shall
After a long meeting, Timothy found himself knocking on Mr. Erickson’s door and
entered when he heard a gruff acknowledgment. The boss looked up from his
paperwork, and his gaunt face immediately lit up.
“Mr. Hayes, how are you?” he asked chipperly, sweeping aside his work.
“Mr. Erickson,” Timothy began, stepping in, “I've noticed that Ms. Sinclair hasn't
been at any of our legal meetings.”
Mr. Erickson sighed, as if reluctant to share the information. “Timothy, Evie's
health hasn't been at its best recently. She fainted earlier in the week.”
Timothy's heart dropped. “Is she okay?” he asked quickly.
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Chapter 25
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5 “ ) -
Mr. Erickson nodded. “She's fine now,
) 5
but she’s been overextending herself.
: Sy
Her stamina isn't ihe fest arid dhe
/ & : .
needs donde rest. We've assigned her
to less demanding jobs for the time
being to give her a chance to
” .
recover.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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. , 5 p c
Timothy's mind raced with guilt. He
remembered the countless times e
had heard Evie mentidwdrking
oem ensure progress on his
case. The thought of her fainting
from exhaustion broke his heart. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“I don’t want her to wear herself out,” Timothy admitted. “I just wanted to give her
an opportunity, not health issues.”
Mr. Erickson nodded, his expression softening. “I appreciate your concern,
Timothy. We'll make sure she gets the support she needs.”
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5 5 f 5
As Timothy left Mr. Erickson'’s office,
his mind was filled with thoughts of
Evie. The weight qf figSUcCesS Had
been bArh& HH her shoulders, and he
) 3:
couldn't stand the idea of her
jeopardizing her well-being for his
sake. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
He needed to see her.

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